Sennen Churchtown Village Hall:
Safeguarding Vulnerable Beneficiaries

The purpose of this policy is to outline the duty and responsibilities of committee members, key volunteers,
and hirers using Sennen Churchtown Village Hall in relation to the protection of vulnerable users It outlines
who is covered under the policy and provides an overview of different types of abuse and the signs to look
out for. It also outlines the procedures that are in place to reduce risks of abuse, together with a clear
procedure to initiate if child protection and adult safeguarding issues arise.
Definitions: Vulnerable Users
This Policy includes:
Children and Young People (aged under 18); and Adults at risk’.
An ‘adult at risk’ is a person who is aged 18 years or over who is more likely to be harmed or abused
because they rely on others for some kind of social care or health support. For instance, it would include:
old people who are frail and have poor physical health; people who have poor mental health or find it
difficult to speak up for themselves because they have a learning disability, or perhaps dementia; or
sometimes they are younger adults who have a physical disability and need assistance with everyday tasks.
Adults at risk are those defined by The Care Act 20141. An adult at risk as defined under The Care Act 2014 may be a person who:
has a physical disability and/or sensory impairment
or cognitive impairment
is elderly and frail due to ill health, physical disability
has mental health needs including dementia or a personality disorder
misuses substances or alcohol
subject to abuse
has a learning disability
has a long-term illness/condition
is a carer such as a family member/friend who provides personal assistance and care to adults & is
is unable to demonstrate the capacity to make a decision and is in need of care and support.
Types of abuse: Children and Young People:
There are four categories of abuse as follows:
Neglect – The neglect of a child, or the failure to protect a child from exposure to any kind of
danger, including failing to provide adequate food, clothing and shelter, or failure to carry out
important aspects of care, resulting in significant impairment of Physical Abuse – This may
involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating or
anything else causing physical harm to a child. Physical harm may also be caused when a parent
or carer fabricates the symptoms of, or deliberately induces illness in a child.
Physical Abuse – This may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding,
drowning, suffocating or anything else causing physical harm to a child. Physical harm may also
be caused when a parent or carer fabricates the symptoms of, or deliberately induces illness in
a child.
Sexual Abuse – This type of abuse involves forcing or enticing a child to take part in sexual
activities or any actual exploitation or failure to prevent sexual exploitation of a child whether
or not the child is aware of what is happening. It may also include noncontact activities involving
children in looking at or be involved in sexual online images and or encouraging children to
behave in sexually inappropriate ways. Online sexual grooming has become a major safeguarding
issue over the past couple of years.
Emotional Abuse – This is the persistent emotional maltreatment of a child such as to cause
severe and persistent adverse effects on the child’s emotional development. It may involvesuggesting that a child is worthless or unloved or involve bullying, causing a child to feel
frightened or in danger.
For details on the different signs and forms of abuse for children and ways to recognise child abuse and
neglect see Appendix A.
Types of Abuse: Adults at Risk:
A summary of the main types of abuse are:
Physical abuse- including hitting, slapping, pushing, kicking, misuse of medication, restraint, or
inappropriate sanctions.
Sexual abuse- including rape and sexual assault or sexual acts to which the vulnerable adult has
not consented, or could not consent or was pressured into consenting.
Psychological abuse- including emotional abuse, threats of harm or abandonment, deprivation of
contact, humiliation, blaming, controlling, intimidation, coercion, harassment, verbal abuse,
isolation or withdrawal from services or supportive networks.
Financial or material abuse- including theft, fraud, exploitation, pressure in connection with
wills, property or inheritance or financial transactions, or the misuse or misappropriation of
property, possessions or benefits.
Neglect and acts of omission- including ignoring medical or physical care needs, failure to
provide access to appropriate health, social care or educational services, the withholding of the
necessities of life, such as medication, adequate nutrition and heating.
Discriminatory abuse- including racist, sexist, that based on a person’s disability, age, sexuality
or faith and other forms of harassment, slurs or similar treatment.
For further details on the different categories and predisposing factors of adult abuse see Appendix B.
3. Premises and Committee
Details of Premises
Sennen Churchtown Hall provides the remote village of Sennen with a valuable community facility and is a
focal point for bringing these communities together. The building comprises a hall with seating for up to
80 people; a small separate meeting room for up to 8 people; a kitchen; toilets; a stage and off-stage
“dressing area” an outside field and ample car parking. It is located next to Sennen Church. Its purpose is
to provide facilities in the interests of social engagement and welfare for recreation and leisure time with
the objective of improving the overall health and wellbeing of local residents.
The Hall has a number of regular user groups including weekly hire for yoga, keep fit, and meditation. It is
also used monthly by the Parish Council. The Hall is hired for private functions, such as, training events,
parties and wedding celebrations. The Village Hall Committee also organise their own fund-raising and social
events for the local community.
Committee Members, Volunteers and Users
This policy applies to management committee and volunteers of the Village Hall. It also covers any Village
Hall events taking place in the outdoor area next to the Hall.
All Sennen Churchtown Hall Committee members and volunteers have a duty to safeguard vulnerable users
of the Hall and its premises and those who may come into contact with vulnerable users. They may receive
disclosures of abuse and observe vulnerable users who are at risk.
This policy will enable committee members, volunteers and hirers to make informed and confident
responses to specific child and adult safeguarding issues. It is therefore their duty to respond to anyconcerns they may have regarding the physical, sexual, emotional or psychological safety or neglect of a
vulnerable person or concerns relating to discriminatory or financial violation or exploitation of a vulnerable
This policy is in place to protect all vulnerable persons regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, disability,
sexuality, sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital status, religion or belief.
4. The Main Policy
1. Policy Principles
The welfare of children or vulnerable adults is paramount and safeguarding them is everyone’s
responsibility. All children and vulnerable adults, without exception, have the right to protection from
abuse, whether physical, verbal, emotional, sexual, bullying, exclusion or neglect. Bullying, shouting, physical
violence, sexism and racism towards children will not be permitted or tolerated.
2. Policy Statement
a) The Village Hall committee and volunteers do not supervise children or vulnerable adults as part of their
function within The Trustees. DBS checks are not required by them unless they are to have unsupervised
access to children or vulnerable adults. Should DBS checks become necessary they will be undertaken in
compliance with current legislation and/or will have been through a safe recruitment procedure (see BOX 1
below) and introductory Child Protection or Vulnerable Adults Protection training. Cornwall County Council
offers multi-agency safeguarding training for the statutory, voluntary and independent agencies who work
with children, young people, families and vulnerable adults.
b) All suspicions or allegations of abuse against a child, young person or adult at risk will be taken seriously
and dealt with speedily and appropriately – see section 9 on responding to a disclosure.
c) All committee members and volunteers will be made aware of this policy and the child protection and
vulnerable adult issues set out in it.
d) The Hall manager will ensure a copy of this policy is made available on the website.
e) There will be a nominated and named Vulnerable Users’ representative to whom any suspicions or
concerns should be reported. This person is Jane Atkinson. (email (BOX 2 sets
out their role.)
f) The Trustees will endeavour to keep the premises safe for use by children and vulnerable adults. The
Trustees recognises that a higher standard of safety is required where use is made by small children,
those who cannot read safety notices and physically disabled adults.
g) Any organisations or individuals hiring the Hall for the purposes of holding activities where Ofsted
registration is required (see BOX 3) should show their registration and their own Child
Protection/Safeguarding Policy at the time of booking. Safe recruitment processes should be used to
appoint staff who will be working with children or vulnerable adults in any kind of activity.
h) Any organisations or individuals booking the Hall for an event which includes children or vulnerable
adults will need to certify that they have an appropriate policy and procedure in place for their own
safeguarding purposes. A copy of the policy may need to be provided prior to the commencement of the
Potential user groups such as a toddler group or a youth group need to have their own child protection /
safeguarding policy which is compliant with the safeguarding policies and procedures adopted by Cornwall
County Council.i) The Trustees will ensure that hirers are made aware of their obligations under the Licensing Act 2003
to ensure that alcohol is not sold to those under the age of 18. The Trustees will ensure that hirers are
aware that no children may be admitted to films when they are below the age classification for the film or
show. No gambling or entertainment of an adult or sexual nature shall be permitted on the premises.
j) These policies and procedures will be reviewed annually and updated as appropriate in response to any
changes in policy and legislation.
BOX 1: Safe Recruitment
Should any persons be employed to work directly for and at the village hall must:
Complete an application form which shows their employment history
Provide at least two references
If working directly with children or young people or vulnerable adults:
One of the references should come from someone who has supervised them working with children, young
people or vulnerable adults before
They should be checked under the Disclosure and Barring Service.
Any key volunteers who have unsupervised access to vulnerable users (e.g. running children’s entertainment)
may also be required to go through these procedures.
BOX 2: Reporting Incidents to the local authority Child Protection and Vulnerable Adult lead agency
The Hall’s named Vulnerable Users representative Jane Atkinson will have responsibility for reporting
concerns that arise, as a matter of urgency, to the local authority Child Protection and Vulnerable Adult
lead agency. The named representative may choose to have a confidential discussion with others in order to
clear up any misunderstandings or to corroborate and support any suspicions before reporting a concern to
the lead agency.
The nominated person should:
– Know how to contact Cornwall County Council’s Safeguarding Adults Services for advice and referrals:
Cornwall County Council Safeguarding Unit can be contacted on 0300 1231 116 0300 1234 131 Option 2
Further advice and information is also available from
– Know how to contact Cornwall County Council’s Children’s Services for advice and referrals: Cornwall
County Council’s Children’s Safeguarding Team can be contacted on 0300 1231 116 (office hours). In
addition, the Children’s Social Care Locality Teams phone numbers are available from
by searching for ‘safeguarding children’. This also provides additional advice and information around
– Know about helplines and other sources of help for children and young people and vulnerable adults (See
Appendix C)
– Ensure that there is an environment in which staff, key volunteers and hirers have the opportunity to
raise any child protection or vulnerable adult protection concerns.BOX 3: Ofsted Requirements
If you work as a childminder, or provide day care for children under 8 years old for more than two hours
each day you must register with Ofsted and be inspected regularly. Nursery education settings which are
on their local authority’s directory to provide free places for qualifying two year olds and three – four
year olds must also be inspected regularly by Ofsted. ( requirements cover
playgroups, nurseries, after school clubs and holiday clubs, amongst others.
General Procedures
1. All committee members, volunteers are advised to be very aware of child protection and should attend
introductory level Child Protection training and Protection of Vulnerable Adults training where possible.
2. An annual review will take place to allow for any required up-date of policies and or procedures. New
committee and volunteers must be given an induction to this policy and understand their responsibilities.
3. A copy of the policy will be displayed for the attention of all in the village hand made available on
request to any users of the Hall.
4. The Hall is regularly used by hirers without committee members or its key volunteers in attendance. A
copy of this policy will therefore be available on-line to all hirers of the Hall to ensure hirers/visitors are
aware of their own safety and the safety of vulnerable people.
5. Organisations hiring the Hall will be asked to certify on the hiring form that they are aware of the hall
Safeguarding policy. Individuals hiring the Hall for activities for children or vulnerable people, need to be
aware that they may require their own child/vulnerable adult protection policy may be asked to supply or
show their child protection policy to the hall manager before the booking commences. 6. The Trustees will
require hirers to report any damage, breakages or safety issues needing attention to the bookings
officer/manager, who will inform the appropriate people. These will be dealt with as soon as practicable, in
the light of the circumstances, with provision to prevent access by children and vulnerable adults pending
repair where appropriate.
7. A hiring agreement which includes appropriate clauses will be entered into for all hirings for licensable
activities. The Trustees will ensure that these provisions are observed when holding any licensable
activities itself. The Trustees will give written instructions to those selling alcohol concerning the licensing
offences which must be avoided.
8. Contractors engaged to carry out work at the premises must not be allowed unsupervised access to
children or vulnerable adults. Appropriate supervision will be arranged if necessary.
9. If the premises might be used by more than one hirer, the attention of hirers will be drawn to the need
to ensure that children and vulnerable adults are supervised when using toilets or other appropriate
arrangements made.
10. When the management committee organise events to include children, it is always stated that children
must be accompanied by parents or guardians.Specific Procedures in the event of a disclosure and responding to an allegation
It is important that children and vulnerable adults are protected from abuse. Committee members and
volunteers and users of the Hall may receive disclosures of abuse and observe vulnerable users who are at
All complaints, allegations or suspicions must be taken seriously when reported to, or witnessed by, any
committee member, volunteer or user of the Hall.
Appendix D sets out the guidelines for responding to abuse or suspicion of abuse. This procedure must be
followed whenever an allegation is made or when there is a suspicion that a child or vulnerable adult has
been abused.
In the event of a disclosure, this must be written up by the person receiving the disclosure. A full record
should be made as soon as possible of the nature of the allegation and any other relevant information and
an “initial cause for concern form” should be completed (see Appendix E). This information should include
the date, time and place where the alleged abuse happened, the names of others present, the name of the
complainant and if different the name of the child or adult who has allegedly been abused, the nature of
the alleged abuse, the explanation which has been given of the allegation and a description of any injuries
that can be observed.
Promises of confidentiality should not be given as this may conflict with the need to ensure the safety and
welfare of the child or adult.
If the complainant is the child, questions should be kept to a minimum necessary to understand what is
being alleged and leading questions should be avoided.
Once an Initial Cause for Concern Form (Appendix E) has been completed, this must then be reported to
the Village Hall’s named Vulnerable Users representative that working day if possible but if not, within 24
The named Vulnerable Users representative shall then telephone and report the matter to the appropriate
local social services department (child or adults) (See Box 2).
The named Vulnerable Users representative should make a written record on the initial cause for concern
form of the date and time the report is made to the appropriate social services department. This must
include the name and position of the person to whom the matter is reported. Any telephone report should
be confirmed in writing (e.g. via email) to the relevant local social services department within 24 hours.
Safeguarding raises issues of confidentiality which should be clearly understood.
Committee members and volunteers have a professional responsibility to share relevant information about
the protection of vulnerable users with other professionals, particularly investigative agencies, children’s
social services and adult social services.
All personal information regarding a vulnerable user will be kept confidential. All written records will be
kept in a secure area (e.g. locked filing cabinet) for a specific time as identified in data protection
guidelines. Records will only record details required in the initial contact form.
If a vulnerable user confides in a committee members, volunteer or member of staff and requests that the
information is kept secret, it is important to tell them sensitively that you have a responsibility to refer
cases of alleged abuse to the appropriate agencies. Within that context, the vulnerable user should,
however, be assured that the matter will be disclosed only to people who need to know about it.Where possible, consent should be obtained from the vulnerable user before sharing personal information.
Their safety and welfare is the priority therefore in some circumstances obtaining consent may not be
Where a disclosure has been made, committee members and volunteers should let the vulnerable user know
the position regarding their role and what action they will have to take as a result. Assure the vulnerable
user that you will keep them informed of any action to be taken and why. The vulnerable users’ involvement
in the process of sharing information should be fully considered and their wishes and feelings taken into
account. Appendix A:
Forms and signs of abuse (children)
3. Recognising Child Abuse and Neglect
Physical abuse:
Physical abuse may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning,
suffocating or otherwise causing physical harm to a child. Physical harm may also be caused when a
parent or carer feigns the symptoms of, or deliberately causes ill health to, a child whom they are
looking after. A person might do this because they enjoy or need the attention they get through
having a sick child. Physical abuse can be caused through omission or the failure to act to protect.
Visible Signs:

injuries to any part of the body

children who find it painful to walk, sit down, to move their jaws or are in some other kind of pain

injuries which are not typical of the bumps and scrapes associated with children’s activities

the regular occurrence of unexplained injuries

the child who is frequently injured, where even apparently reasonable explanations are given
Behavioural Signs:

furtive, secretive behaviour
– uncharacteristic aggression or withdrawn behaviour
– compulsive eating or sudden loss of appetite
– the child who suddenly becomes ill co-ordinated
– the child who finds it difficult to stay awake
– the child who is repeatedly absent
What to listen for:

listen for confused or conflicting explanations of how the injuries were sustained

evaluate carefully what is said and preferably document it ad verbatim

consider if the explanation is in keeping with the nature, age and site of injury
– What do you know about the family?
– is there a history of known or suspected abuse? –
– has the family been under stress recently?
– do you have concerns about the family?
2. Emotional abuse:
Emotional abuse is the persistent emotional ill treatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent
adverse effects on the child’s emotional development. It may involve making a child feel or believe that
they are worthless or unloved, inadequate or valued only insofar as they meet the needs of another person.
The recognition of emotional abuse is based on observations over time of the quality of relationships
between parent/carer and the child.(Taken from Recognising Child Abuse: a handbook for those who have the care of children and young people. East Sussex County
Council. Approved by the East Sussex Area Child Protection Committee, 11 September 2001.)
Watch for parent/carer behaviours:
– poor attachment relationship with the child –
– unresponsive or neglectful behaviour towards child’s emotional or psychological needs –

persistent negative comments about the child –
– inappropriate or inconsistent developmental expectations of the child –
– parental problems that supersede the needs of the child –
– dysfunctional family relationships including domestic violence
Watch for child behaviours: –
– Emotional indicators such as low self-esteem, unhappiness, fear, distress, anxiety –
– Behavioural indicators such as attention seeking, withdrawn, insecure

Physical indicators such as failure to thrive/faltering growth, delay in achieving developmental,
cognitive or educational milestones
3. Sexual abuse:
Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, whether
or not the child is aware of, or consents to, what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact,
including penetrative acts such as rape, buggery or oral sex or non-penetrative acts such as fondling.
Sexual abuse may also include non-contact activities, such as involving children in looking at, or in the
production of, pornographic material or watching sexual activities, or encouraging children to behave in
sexually inappropriate ways. Boys and girls can be sexually abused by males and/or females, by adults and
by other young people. This includes people from all different walks of life.
There may be no recognisable signs of sexual abuse but the following indicators may be signs that a child is
or has been sexually abused:
Physical signs:
– signs of blood or other discharge on the child’s under clothes
– awkwardness in walking or sitting down –
– tummy pains
– tiredness
regression into enuresis (bed or clothes wetting) –
Behavioural signs: –
– Extreme variations in behaviour (e.g. anxiety, aggression, or withdrawal)
– Sexually provocative or inappropriate behaviour, or knowledge that is incompatible with the child’s
Age and understanding –
– Drawings and/or written work which are sexually explicit (indirect disclosure)
– Direct disclosure; it is important to recognise that children have neither the experience nor the
Understanding to be able to make up stories about sexual assault.
4. Neglect:
Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs. It may involve
a parent or carer failing to provide adequate food, shelter and clothing; failing to protect a child from
physical harm or danger; or the failure to ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment. It may
also include neglect of, or unresponsiveness to, a child’s basic emotional needs.
Indicators of neglect are recognisable in the child, in the parent/carers’ behaviours and within the home
Physical signs: –

abnormal growth including failure to thrive- underweight or obesity
– recurrent infection

unkempt dirty appearance
– smelly
– inadequate/unwashed clothes
– Hunger

Behavioural signs: –

attachment disorders
– indiscriminate friendliness
– poor social relationships
– poor concentration
– developmental delays
– low self esteem
Environmental signs:

insufficient food, heating and ventilation in the home
risk from animals in the household
– inappropriate sleeping arrangements and inadequate bedding
– dangerous or hazardous environment
Policy written by J Atkinson Sept 16 Updated March 18
Date of Policy adopted
Policy update due March 18Appendix B: Categories and Predisposing Factors of Adult Abuse
Predisposing factors
Some examples of factors which may place people at risk of abuse are listed below. Adult abuse often
occurs when a vulnerable adult is faced with a set of circumstances where there is potential for harm. The
presence of one, or more, of these factors does not automatically imply that abuse will follow, but may
increase the likelihood:
The Individual has: –

poor communication or communication difficulties
history of falls and/or minor injuries
– physical and/or emotional dependence on others
– mental health needs, especially moderate or severe dementia
– rejection of help

– self-injurious behaviour
– history of repeatedly making allegations of abuse
– high level dependency on others to meet their care needs
– substance misuse
– previous history of violent relationships within the family or social networks
The Environment:
– overcrowding
– poor or insecure living conditions
– geographical isolation
– poor management and/or high staff turnover
Relationships (in particular with carers):
– unequal power relationships
– increased dependency of vulnerable adult
– multiple dependency within the family or social networks
– multigenerational family structure where conflicts of personal interests & loyalties may exist
– role reversal or significant change in the relationship between the vulnerable adult & carer
– history of abuse within the family
– significant levels of stress on the carer
– isolation of the carer, due to the demands of caring, leading to a lack of practical and emotional
– lack of understanding about the vulnerable adults condition, resulting in inappropriate care
– dependency on the vulnerable adult
– difficult or challenging behaviour by the vulnerable adult which the carer finds intolerable or
– history of the carer being abused or being a perpetrator
– the carer feels exploited, resentful, angry or guilty
– financial difficulties
– illness or disability of the carer
– significant and long term stress of the carer
Discriminatory abuse: Discriminatory abuse exists when values, beliefs or culture result in a misuse of
power that denies mainstream opportunities to some groups or individuals. It is the exploitation of a
person’s vulnerability, resulting in repeated or pervasive treatment of an individual, which excludesthem from opportunities in society, for example, education, health, justice, civic status and protection.
It includes discrimination on the basis of race, gender, age, sexuality, disability or religion.
Potential indicators:
– lack of respect shown to an individual
– signs of a sub-standard service offered to an individual
– repeated exclusion from rights afforded to citizens such as health, education, employment,
criminal justice and civic status
Physical abuse: The non-accidental infliction of physical force that results in bodily injury, pain, or
impairment. Examples include the inappropriate application of treatments, involuntary isolation or
confinement, misuse of medication.
Potential indicators:
– any injury not fully explained by the history given –
– injuries inconsistent with the lifestyle of the vulnerable adult –
– bruises and/or welts on face, lips, mouth, torso, arms, back, buttocks, thighs –
– clusters of injuries forming regular patterns or reflecting the shape of an object –

burns, especially on the soles, palms or back; immersion in hot water, friction burns, rope or
electrical appliance burns –

multiply fractures-
– lacerations or abrasions to mouth, lips, gums, eyes, external genitalia
– marks on body, including slap marks, finger marks
– injuries at different stages of healing
– medication misuse
Sexual abuse Direct or indirect involvement in sexual activity without consent. Consent to a particular
activity may not be given because:
– a person has capacity but does not want to give consent
– a person lacks capacity and is therefore unable to give consent
– a person feels coerced into activity because the other person is in a position of trust, power, or
Potential indicators: –
– significant change in sexual behaviour or attitude –
– pregnancy in a women who is unable to consent to sexual intercourse-

wetting or soiling
poor concentration
– vulnerable adult appears withdrawn, depressed or stressed
– unusual difficulty in walking or sitting

torn, stained or bloody underclothing
– bruises, bleeding, pain or itching in genital area
– sexually transmitted diseases, urinary tract or vaginal infection, love bites
– bruising to thighs or upper arms
Psychological abuse: The use of threats, humiliation, bullying, swearing and other verbal conduct, or any
other form of mental cruelty, that results in mental or physical distress. It includes the denial of basic
human and civil rights, such as choice, self-expression, privacy and dignity.
Potential indicators: –
– change in appetite– low self-esteem, deference, passivity, and resignation
– unexplained fear, defensiveness, ambivalence –
– emotional withdrawal
– sleep disturbance
Financial abuse: The unauthorised and improper use of funds, property, or any resources belonging to an
individual. Examples include forcing changes to a will, preventing access to money, property, possessions or
inheritance, and theft.
Potential indicators:
– unexplained sudden inability to pay bills or maintain lifestyle
– unusual or inappropriate bank account activity

power of attorney or enduring power of attorney obtained when vulnerable adult is unable to
comprehend and give consent

withholding money
– recent change of deeds or title of property
– unusual interest shown by family or others in the vulnerable adult’s assets
– person managing financial affairs is evasive or uncooperative
Neglect and Acts of Omission: The repeated deprivation of assistance that the vulnerable adult needs for
important activities of daily living, including the failure to intervene in behaviour which is dangerous to the
vulnerable adult or others.
Potential indicators:
– poor physical condition, e.g. bed sores, unwashed, ulcers
– clothing in poor condition, e.g. unclean, wet, ragged
– inadequate physical environment
– inadequate diet
– untreated injuries or medical problems
– inconsistent or reluctant contact with health or social care agencies
– failure to engage in social interaction
– malnutrition when not living alone
– inadequate heating
– failure to give prescribed medication
– poor personal hygiene
Institutional Abuse: When rules and regimes of the home are seen as more important than the individual
needs of the people who live in the home:
– poor standards
– inflexible regimes –

lack of personal choice for food, bed and meal times, etc.Appendix C: Safeguarding Sources of Further Advice and Support
Further advice or support is available from the following sources:
Cornwall Safeguarding Children Board http://
Multi-agency Referral Unit: 0300 123 1116
Out of Hours Service: 01208 251300
Concerns about a professional working with a child, contact your Local Authority Designated Officer
(LADO) on: Cornwall – 01872 326536
Cornwall Safeguarding Adults Board http://
0300 1234 131 Option 2
0300 1231 116
Help is available from
NSPCC on 0808 800 5000 email
NSPCC Child Protection Helpline – 0808 800 5000
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Checks
Save the Children
Vulnerable Adults Protection: Action on Elder Abuse – helpline 0808 808 8141
Age UK – helpline 0800 009966
family/protecting-yourself/whatis-elder-abuse/Appendix D: Guidelines for Responding to Abuse or Suspicion of Abuse
Do make sure the individual is safe Don’t confront the alleged abuser.
Do treat any allegations extremely seriously and Don’t make promises you can’t keep.
act at all times towards the child as if you believe
what they are saying.
Do listen patiently and stay calm.
Do tell the child or adult at risk they are right to
tell you.
Do reassure them that they are not to blame.
Do ascertain and establish the basic facts – write
down everything said using their words including
and obtain agreement from the individual making
the allegation.
Do be honest about your own position, who you
have to tell and why.
Do tell the child or adult at risk what you are
doing and when, and keep them up to date with
what is happening.
Do take further action – you may be the only
person in a position to prevent future abuse – tell
your nominated person immediately
Do seek medical attention if necessary.
Do inform parents/carers unless there is
suspicion of their involvement.
Don’t interrogate the child or adult at risk – it is
not your job to carry out an investigation – this
will be up to the police and social services, who
have experience in this.
Don’t investigate beyond establishing the basic
facts, don’t ask leading questions, assume
information or elaborate in the notes taken.
Don’t be jdgmental, voice your own opinion, ignore
or be dismissive of the concern.
Don’t cast doubt on what the child or adult at
risk has told you, don’t interrupt or change the
Don’t say anything that makes the child or adult
at risk feel responsible for the abuse.
Don’t Do Nothing – make sure you tell your named
Vulnerable Users representative immediately –
they will know how to follow this up and where to
go for further advice.Appendix E: Initial Cause for Concern Format
Section 1: To be completed by the person receiving a disclosure of abuse Date of incident
Date of incident
Time of incident
Location of incident
Name of Child or adult who has allegedly been
Name of the child Name of the complainant if
different to above
Names of any others present who witnessed the
alleged abuse
Age (if known):
Address (if known):
Description of your concern or description of the nature of the alleged abuse, and action taken:
Observations to support cause for concern:
Description and location of any observed injuries, visible marks, bruising etc.:
Name of alleged abuser, relationship with child or adult at risk (if known)
Signature of person completing the form:
Once complete this form must be given to the Hall’s named Vulnerable Users representative
(………..) within 24 hours
Section 2: To be completed by the Hall’s named Vulnerable Users representative Date
Date and time this report was telephoned to the
appropriate local social services department:
Name and position of the person to whom the
matter was reported
Date the telephone report was confirmed in
writing to the relevant local social services
department (this should be within 24 hours).
Phone Number
Name: Position: